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House rules

Your behavior

You can do a lot of things in Hattrick and with Hattrick, but to keep the game fun for everyone we need to have a set of rules on how to act. These rules are simple and pretty obvious, and apply to all areas of Hattrick. Hattrick should be fun and safe to play by everyone, irrespective of their age, gender, origin, race or religion. In short you are expected to be polite to each other, treat others with respect, and take into consideration that children are welcome to Hattrick too.

Anyone breaking these rules may be disqualified from Hattrick with immediate effect. Note that the GameMasters have absolute authority in deciding if somebody is breaking these rules.

It is strictly prohibited for you, as a Hattrick player, to engage in any of the activities described below.

  • Sending threatening, insulting or derogatory messages, by HT-mail, guestbook entries or other means to other players and the forums. Spamming users or forums, i.e. sending unsolicited messages like advertisements, friendly game offers and asking for supportership. It is also forbidden to act in a profane or otherwise abusive manner.
  • Attempting to steal or sabotage Hattrick Europe Ltd property, or encouraging others to do so. This property includes the servers, software and copyright protected material.
  • Scanning the site, or creating, using or distributing applications that automate parts of the game, unless these applications are authorised by the game developers. Also, you may not automatically include parts of the site at other sites or in other applications.
  • Cheating in any way, such as trying to decipher the passwords of other players, or trying, in any other way, to unduly spoil the enjoyment of other players.
  • Attempting to access information that is not linked on the site, or trying to post data in a similar fashion. You may only access information and navigate the site by using a browser or a CHPP-approved application.
  • Making cheating accusations, advertising for real life goods (this includes referral links), promotion of criminal activities and/or drugs, publishing correspondence with HT officials, sharing specifics about GM or Mod decisions and discussing individual decisions.

Last but not least, you can only have one user account. One more time, it is forbidden to control more than one account. If you control multiple accounts, you risk suspension from Hattrick. It won't help if one of your friends registered the account - if you're the one controlling it (giving the orders) you're considered to be the owner. Your account is considered private, which means you can't let friends or family log in to use your account, or give it away to another person. It's also prohibited to buy players from friends at obviously inflated prices, even though you might just be trying to be a nice guy! If you have received a clearly inflated bid on your own player from someone, then please contact the GMs immediately. To contact a GameMaster, please visit our contact page.

For all situations not explicitly described in the rules, the HT officials (GM, Mod, CHPP) have discretionary authority to resolve the situation within the spirit of the rules. Also, any conversation with the Hattrick officials is strictly personal and may not be published or forwarded in any way.

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